Kundalini Stones Crystals and Jewelry

Kundalini Stones Crystals and Jewelry

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New Collection of Necklaces

This wonderful collection of necklaces that our Designer: WILMA CAMARA  prepared for the next event.

Rose Quartz, Red Coral, Smoke Crystal Quartz, Tiger Eye,  Fire Agate, Pearl, Botswana Agate; Calcite Yellow; Black Obsidian, Onyx, Coral White and pure Crystal Quartz.
That are gemstones what she used in this collection.

You also think these necklaces are wonderful?
















Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated quartz, is a type of quartz with needle like rutile (a titanium dioxide mineral), embedded in it. The rutile needles can be reddish, or they may be golden, silvery, or on very rare occasions, greenish. Rutilated quartz is found in Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Norway, Pakistan and the United States.
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Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated quartz, is a type of quartz with needle like rutile (a titanium dioxide mineral), embedded in it. The rutile needles can be reddish, or they may be golden, silvery, or on very rare occasions, greenish. Rutilated quartz is found in Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Norway, Pakistan and the United States.

Rutile is a major ore of titanium, which is a metal used for high tech alloys. It often forms needle-like crystal inclusions inside quartz.  This form of quartz is known as Rutilated Quartz and it looks like small bars of imbedded gold.  Rutile is a 6 on the Mohs scale.

Because of the difference in hardness between the two materials and because of the way rutile forms inside, this can be a difficult stone to attain a smooth surface without pits.

The name quartz comes from the Saxon word “Querklufterz” which meant cross vein ore. The name rutile comes from the Latin word “Rutilus” meaning red.

Legend, Healing Properties, Folklore: brings forth each person's strengths, originality, aids sleep, relate to others.

Alternate Names & Name Spellings: Rutile in Quartz, Angel Hair, “Venus” Hair Stone

Rutile is said to intensify the metaphysical properties of its host crystal and to enhance ones understanding of difficult situations. It is also said to enhance creativity and to relieve depression and loneliness. Rutilated quartz is said to slow down the aging process and is said to be a strong healer.

Rutilated quartz is reputed to be an energizing stone that helps get energy moving on all levels. Intuitive sources say that it assists with mental focus. It is also said to attract love and stabilize relationships. Rutilated quartz is said to be particularly effective for getting things moving energetically, it can help slowed chakras return to normal spin and balance.

Emotionally, Rutilated Quartz is said to be very helpful in uncovering the causes of mental issues and hang-ups. It is reputed to diminish fears and to be excellent at assisting with decision-making processes. Also it is said that it can also ease loneliness and relieve guilt thereby bringing happiness. It is used metaphysically to help one get out of a rut with their life as well as for stabilizing emotions and mental processes, clarifying thought patterns and emotional reactions. Rutilated quartz is also said to increase one's self-reliance and ability to find one's own way.

In the psychic and spiritual realms, Rutilated quartz is used for meditation, spiritual communications, and dream work. It is particularly good for seeking higher spiritual experiences and meditation on feminine ideas. Rutilated quartz is also used metaphysically to deflect negative energies and unwanted energetic, psychic, and magical interferences.

Physically, Rutilated quartz is said to be beneficial for food disorders, the immune system, regeneration of tissue, fatigue, depression, and respiratory illness, stability of all physical systems and general health, and absorption of nutrients from food. It is also said to be helpful for getting energy moving in meridians and areas where the physical energy is sluggish. Rutilated quartz is also a mystical crystal "diagnostic tool" which can help discover the true cause of an ailment.

Rutilated quartz is associated with the solar plexus chakra, and is sometimes considered a link between the root and crown chakras.

Monday, October 22, 2012


kundalinistones - Lodalite Ring

kundalinistones-Lodalite ring

kundalinistones- Lodalite ring

Lodolite is a term used for a variety of quartz with mineral inclusions, from Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Lodolite has the appearance of an underwater coral reef. The mineral inclusions are very attractive and differ from stone to stone. The colors of the inclusions can range from green, pink, yellow, brown, white, red and multi colors. We feel that most of these colors and mixes of colors come from three main types of minerals, Chlorite, Iron, and Calcite.

Quartz includes a variety of stones and “colorless” or Crystal Quartz is the most common.

Brazil is a major supplier of crystal quartz, especially when it comes to varieties with mineral inclusions. Quartz is found abundantly throughout the world. The word "crystal" comes from the Greek word "ice" and was believed to be eternally frozen. The single quartz crystal is a six-sided prism; however this is not always how it is formed. Sometimes it is found in veins, seams, or pockets of rock.

Inclusion Quartz - Lodolite (Brazil) — these are wonderful tumbled stones made from Clear Quartz with inclusions.  Lodolite (Inclusion Quartz) has a beautiful vibration and can be very useful with healing.  These inclusions include Feldspar, Chlorite and many other minerals that are green, cream, red, orange, and other colors. Garden Quartz (also called Scenic Quartz or Lodolite) is usually Clear Quartz with Chlorite and various other minerals layered inside of it.

The layers form beautiful and unusual multi-coloured landscapes and underwater scenes! Sometimes phantoms are evident, or the minerals whirl and swirl like stormy clouds or layers of rising smoke. Unique and beautiful! These exceptional stones have been polished to reveal their excellent clarity and luscious pink, coral, mauve, grey and glittering silver scenes. Rainbows and tiny foils add a whimsical and magical dimension to the undulating landscape!

Lodolite connects you to the Fairy Realms and inter-dimensional layers of the Earth, bringing the magic and mystery of the Fay into your life. The clear Quartz amplifies the vibration of the inclusions.  Each inclusion quartz point is unique and beautiful.   Clear Quartz is the "Stone of Power" and can help to amplify any energy or intention.  Clear Quartz is also called the "Master Healer" and with the presence of the inclusions, this Quartz has wonderful healing abilities. Fill your home, your office and your life with magic!   

This quartz has a fantastic healing vibration and has the wonderful qualities of clear quartz plus the additional vibrations of their inclusions. 


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Crystal Ball Gazing

Crystal Ball Gazing

 A Crystal Ball used for gazing should be kept wrapped in black silk. When using the Crystal Ball for gazing it is best to hold the Crystal Ball in your hands with the black silk between your hands and the Crystal Ball.
You may use a stand for the ball if you find holding the ball uncomfortable.
You must experiment to find what time of day or night is best for you. You must relax
 and sit passively. Make sure you are comfortable. Take several deep breaths. You must have patience. Concentrate on a question.

 Often colors are seen in the Crystal Ball. Green, blue and violet are excellent omens. Red, orange and yellow are negative omens and you must take care. Black is unfavorable and much care must be taken until it is no longer seen.

 A white brilliance is very favorable for you, meaning your life is on the right track and will be improved. You may see movement or even visions in your Crystal Ball.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

This sculpture is made ​​of crystal rough and is wonderful

This sculpture is made ​​of crystal rough and is wonderful ... This piece of crystal has only 4cm and was carved by a artezao in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Essa escultura feita em cristal bruto e maravilhosa... Essa peca de cristal tem somente 4cm e foi esculpida por um artezao em Minas Gerais, Brasil.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Potential of stones in jewelry

The  various forms that show the potential of stones in jewelry.
When people think of using stones and crystals for healing, most likely they are picturing tumbled stones, crystal points, or shaped and polished stones such as gemstone wands. But, did you know that jewelry containing stones, precious or semi-precious can also be used in crystal healing? Oh, yes, you can use them… Precious stones have powerful substances and properties, preventive and curative; originating from nature. It’s important to recognize that the penetration of  healing stones into our body and soul oscillates simultaneously with the light of stones, minerals and fluctuations of waves and colors. They have the property of acting simultaneously in many ways in our favor.
Necklaces and bracelets: Due to the large number of stones, necklaces and bracelets have the ability of generating a very vibrant energy field, increasing or causing good mood,  also penetrating  vigorously and producing a highly curative effect in the body. The necklaces and bracelets stones emanate high degree of intuition and activate all the body's defenses. They are loyal companions that cause preventive and curative forces and have rejuvenating qualities due to their high energy.
Pendants and Earrings: The pendants and earrings have the same effect as tumbled stones, and distribute their energy evenly and constantly around you. Therefore, they are not only jewelry, but also very active healing stones, which can be used on ones body throughout the day.
Stone Rings: The rings of stone have tradition based in history. Their energy penetrates in circles around your fingers and provides protection from negative influences.
Wearing stone and crystal jewelry is an easy, convenient, and attractive way to carry healing stones with you all the time wherever you go. The jewelry can be of any type, style or design. For example, it can be a crystal wrapped in wire and strung on a chain; stone beads strung together as a necklace or bracelet; even faceted gemstone jewelry can be used for crystal healing! Stones that are set in gold or silver work especially well since these metals are good conductors of energy. You can choose any combination that feels right to you. There are no wrong combinations. Gold will add creativity and confidence. ; Silver will add intuition. ; Platinum will add spiritual connection; Copper will enhance the stone's energy.

Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s eye precious stones are extremely helpful in treating problems associated with the head. Also known as a cat’s eye. Tiger’s eye alleviates aches in bones and joints, and treats tendonitis or neural ailments. The tiger’s eye is a stone that is so named owing to its likeness to the eye of a feline. The color of course becomes so when the stone is chopped in a particular manner owing to its inclusions like the falcon’s or cat’s eye. The gemstone has been highly in demand down through the centuries and been much used for ornamental or therapeutic methods.
The tiger’s eye is especially efficacious in treating bronchial ailments, when applied on the navel chakra. Sufferers of acute bronchitis may leave the precious stone secured overnight in contact with the body. The stone is popularly recommended for asthmatic patients as well for treating migraines and headaches. Psychologically speaking, the tiger’s eye effectively alleviates depression and generates mental concentration.
The silky wet shimmer of golden tiger’s eye signifies that it belongs to the quartz family. The cat’s eye effect is resulted by the presence of hornblende fibers that crystallize in a unique directional manner and enhances autonomy and spiritual integration.
The stone is best and effective in the solar plexus and navel chakra.
Uses and Application: Jewelry made of tiger’s eye should be worn for a few days as it generates energetic flow. Once the healing results are attained, the gemstone should be discharged under running water and recharged for several hours in sunlight.

As pedras preciosas tem substancias e propriedades poderosa, preventivas e curativas, originarias da natureza.E importante reconhecer que a penetracao das pedras curativas em nosso corpo e alma oscila simultaneamente com a luz das pedras, os minerais e flutuacoes de ondas e cores. Elas tem a propriedade de atuar de varias formas simultaneamente a nosso favor.

Aneis de pedra: Os aneis de pedra tem tradicao milenar. Sua energia penetra em circulos ao redor dos dedos e protege de influencias negativas.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Semi-Precious stones

You guys know, some rings made ​​entirely in semi-precious stones?
They are beautiful ... Besides being powerful ...
This rings are made ​​of crystal, amethyst, orange calcite, agate, sodalite, onyx, chalcedony, tiger eyes and more ... more different stones.
Use this ring ... Choose your favorite stone or the stone that you are needing for that day ...

You will see how everything works better in that you are needing ...

It is the magic of gemstones.

Voces conhecem,  uns aneis feitos totalmente em pedras semi- preciosas ? Eles sao lindos... Alem de serem poderosos... Sao aneis feitos de cristal, ametista, calcita laranja, agata, sodalita, onix, calcedonia, olhos de tigre e muito mais... muito mais diferentes pedras.

Use um anel deste...  Escolha a sua pedra preferida ou  a pedra  que voce esta precisando para aquele dia... Voce vai ver como funciona tudo melhor no que voce esta precisando... E a magia das pedras preciosas.






Friday, October 5, 2012

Coral and Turquoise/ Coral e Turquesa

Design:Wilma Camara/Kundalinistones
Design:Wilma Camara/Kundalinistones
Design:Wilma Camara/Kundalinistones

Coral is a stone of organic origin. Once thought to be a plant, coral has been called the "garden of the sea". A coral, unlike most other gemstones is actually the skeletal remains of marine polyps. The polyps are surrounded by a fleshy skin and excrete a carbonic substance from which the coral grows like trees and branches. This happens in the warm waters of the ocean at depths of around 10 to 500 feet where various coral species survive.

The beauty of a necklace made of coral and magnificent, can be small or large, it will always draw attention by their color and exuberance.

Precious corals or red corals are called corallium rubrum, a word that is derived from a Latin word related to the Greek word Koralliom. The hard skeletons of the red coral branches have a matte look and are therefore dull. However, these can be polished to a beautiful shine for use as precious gems.

The history tells us that the oldest coral to be used in coral jewelry was thousands of years ago around 3000 B.C. For almost 2000 years, the Romans used the coral gemstone extensively and made it popular.

The ancient Egyptians placed pieces of coral in tombs as a protection against evil spirits because they believed that each piece truly contained a drop of divine blood.

According to Greek mythology, when Perseus chopped off the head of the Gorgon Medusa, some drops of blood splashed into the sea, and thereby solidified into coral.

Records dating back thousands of years confirm that coral was used in decorative art objects as well as jewelry.

Ancient legends tell us that people once believed that Mars was composed of red coral due to it's striations and colorings.

Coral can be used to reconnect with nature and its variety of wonders. Coral also attracts love and prosperity, particularly red coral, which is a stone of passion.

Creativity and optimism are also qualities that coral brings out. Coral symbolizes joy and happiness, it enables the wearer to enjoy life.

Emotionally, coral brings inner peace, strength, and understanding of purpose.

Physically coral is used for general healing, blood and circulatory system issues, kidney, bladder, epilepsy, bone and bone marrow, eye problems, and the respiratory system.

Design:Wilma Camara/Kundalinistones

Coral é uma pedra de origem orgânica. Pensando bem... uma planta o qual  tem sido chamado de "jardim do mar". Um coral, diferentemente da maioria das outras pedras preciosas é realmente os restos de esqueletos de pólipos marinhos. Os pólipos são cercados por uma pele carnuda e excretam uma substância carbônico a partir do qual o coral cresce como árvores e galhos. Isso acontece nas águas quentes do oceano em profundidades de cerca de 10 a 500 pés, onde várias espécies de corais sobrevivem. Em alguns lugares, os corais de água salgada também existem.

Corais preciosos ou corais vermelhos são chamados Corallium rubrum, uma palavra que deriva de uma palavra latina relacionado ao Koralliom palavra grega. Os esqueletos rígidos dos ramos de corais vermelhos têm um olhar fosco e são, portanto, maçante. No entanto, estes podem ser polidas para um brilho bonito para utilização como pedras preciosas.

A beleza de um colar feito de coral e magnifica,  pode ser pequeno ou grande, ele sempre vai chamar a atencao por sua cor e exuberancia.

A história diz-nos que o mais antigo coral para ser usado em jóias coral foi há milhares de anos por volta de 3000 aC.  Por quase 2000 anos, os romanos usavam a pedra coral extensivamente e tornou popular.

Os antigos egípcios colocados pedaços de coral nas tumbas como uma proteção contra os maus espíritos, porque eles acreditavam que cada peça realmente continha uma gota de sangue divino.
Segundo a mitologia grega, quando Perseu cortou a cabeça da Medusa Gorgon, algumas gotas de sangue espirrou para o mar, e, assim, esse sangue foi solidificado em coral.

Registros que datam de milhares de anos confirmam que o coral foi usado em objetos de arte decorativa, bem como jóias.

Lendas antigas dizem-nos que as pessoas acreditavam que Marte era composto de coral vermelho devido à sua estrias e corantes.

Coral pode ser usado para reconectar com a natureza e sua variedade de maravilhas. Coral também atrai amor e prosperidade, especialmente coral vermelho, que é uma pedra da paixão.Criatividade e otimismo são também qualidades que o coral traz para fora. Coral simboliza alegria e felicidade, que permite ao usuário desfrutar da vida.

Emocionalmente, coral traz paz interior, força e compreensão do propósito.

Fisicamente coral é utilizado para a cura geral, o sangue e os problemas do aparelho circulatório,
rim, bexiga, epilepsia, osso e medula óssea, problemas do olho e do sistema respiratório.

Design:Wilma Camara/Kundalinistones

Design:Wilma Camara/Kundalinistones

  Turquoise natural is one of the most widely known gems in the world. The popularity of this opaque gem proves that the parameter of beauty in a gemstone need not be limited to its clarity and transparency.
The name turquoise came into use only in the 13th century, when a French trader bought this gem from a Turkish market. He called it ‘Pierre Turquoise’ meaning Turkish stone. In 5000 B.C. this gemstone was first found in the form of  beads in native Mesopotamia (Iraq). In the Indian market the gem is also know as the ‘Phiroza’. It is also called as the December Birthstone. The Egyptian pharaohs used turquoise jewelry more than 5500 years ago. Chinese artisans carved ceremonial figurines out of this gem almost 3000 years ago. The Persians believed that if a person saw a full moon reflection on a natural turquoise gemstone, he would have good luck and be protected from evil.
In some civilization natural turquoise was thrown in a river while praying to the rain gods to appease them in order to get good rains. It was also believed that the gemstone loses it color due to the gems sympathetic behavior towards its wearer’s moods. Good turquoise care therefore is required for maintaining the beauty of the stone.

Turquoise is considered one of the most spiritually powerful stones on the planet. The stone has a huge following all over the world of people who believe in the metaphysical aspects of turquoise.One of the most widely believed perceptions about turquoise metaphysical properties is the energy surrounding the stone. Both New Age practitioners and cultures throughout the world believe turquoise is a carrier of positive energy that allows the wearer to deflect negativity and ward off depression. Many of the legends that transfer into modern American society were introduced by the Native Americans of the Southwest.

It is believed the stone can enhance psychic receptors in the body and mind, helping the wearer connect with the spiritual realm. Turquoise also protects from supernatural spirits that wish harm on the living realm.

Due to the psychic energy, turquoise can also aid in meditation, helping to clear the mind and opening a channel between the living and spiritual world

It is also believed to be a stone of good fortune. When offered as a gift, turquoise metaphysical properties will be transferred to the person receiving the stone.


Protects and blesses the user.

One of the most versatile of the POWER STONES, which is why Native Americans honor it.

Turquoise works at the throat Chakra enhancing communication skills

Those seeking a profound healing of the spirit and soul should wear turquoise.

 Opens the heart Chakra for giving/receiving.

Ancient absorber of "negativity"

Helps one develop natural powers.

Excellent grounding stone. 

Excellent healing stone. 

Strengthens and calms the mind and body.

Design:Wilma Camara/Kundalinistones
Design:Wilma Camara/Kundalinistones

 Turquesa natural é uma das jóias/ gemas mais conhecidas no mundo. A popularidade desta gema  prova de que o parâmetro de beleza em uma pedra preciosa não precisa ser limitado a sua clareza e transparência.Turquesa, esse nome entrou em uso apenas no século 13, quando um comerciante francês comprou esta jóia de um mercado turco. Ele o chamou de pedra "Pierre Turquoise" significado turco. Em 5000 aC esta gema foi encontrado na forma de grânulos na Mesopotâmia nativa (Iraque). No mercado indiano a gema é também conhecida como a "Phiroza '. É também chamado como o Birthstone dezembro. Os faraós egípcios jóias de turquesa usado mais de 5500 anos atrás. Artesãos chinesa esculpida figuras cerimoniais de esta jóia quase 3000 anos atrás. Os persas acreditavam que, se uma pessoa viu um reflexo de lua cheia em uma pedra natural, turquesa, ele teria boa sorte e ser protegido do mal.

Em alguns civilização turquesa natural foi jogado em um rio enquanto rezava aos deuses da chuva para apaziguá-los a fim de obter boas chuvas. Acreditava-se também que a pedra perde cor devido ao comportamento gemas solidário com humor o seu portador.

Turquesa é considerada uma das pedras mais espiritualmente poderosas do planeta. A pedra tem uma enorme em todo o mundo de pessoas que acreditam nos aspectos metafísicos da turquoise.One das percepções mais amplamente acreditavam sobre turquesa propriedades metafísicas é a energia em torno da pedra. Ambos os praticantes da Nova Era e culturas de todo o mundo acreditam turquesa é uma transportadora de energia positiva que permite que o usuário para desviar a negatividade e evitar a depressão. Muitas das lendas que transferência para a sociedade americana moderna foram introduzidas pelos nativos americanos do sudoeste.
Acredita-se que a pedra pode aumentar receptores psíquicos no corpo e na mente, ajudando o usuário se conectar com o mundo espiritual. Turquesa também protege dos espíritos sobrenaturais que desejam mal no reino vivo.
Devido à energia psíquica, turquesa também podem auxiliar na meditação, ajudando a limpar a mente e abrir um canal entre o mundo dos vivos e espirituais

Acredita-se também que e uma pedra de boa sorte. Quando oferecido como presente, a turquesa que tem propriedades metafísicas vai transferir para a pessoa que recebe a pedra, todas as propriedades dela.


Protege e abençoa o usuário.Um dos mais versáteis das Power Stones, razão pela qual os nativos americanos honrá-lo.Obras de turquesa no Chakra da Garganta melhorar as habilidades de comunicaçãoAqueles que procuram uma cura profunda do espírito e da alma devem usar turquesa.
Abre o chakra do coração para dar / receber.Amortecedor antigo de "negatividade"Ajuda a desenvolver um poderes naturais.Pedra excelente base.Pedra de cura excelente.Fortalece e acalma a mente e corpo.
Boa Noite
Hoje o dia foi muito produtivo... E isso e muito bom.
Gosto quando chega no final do dia e eu estou um pouco cansada, olho para traz e vejo que tudo correu muito bem no dia... E agradeco. Obrigada por mais um dia.

Good Night
Today was a very productive day ... And that's very good.
I like when it arrives later in the day and I'm a little tired, I look back and see that everything went well on the day ... And I thank. Thank for another day.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The meaning of the colors of precious stones and / or semi-precious stones.

What is your favorite color? What is the color that you use most often in everyday life? Your sign has influence on what color? What is the color of the stone on your birthday? What is the color of the stone when you should use this with a headache and want this pain go away? What is the color of stone that you should use when going to try to get a job? etc, etc, etc ...
We always take care of us ... even with a busy life, with the stress of day to speed day by day with our impatience ... no matter ... We have obligations to take care of us ... because we are humans and sooner or later fail. We fail ourselves or with others ... but we can slow down and go slower with awareness ... The stones help us if you want ... Try to use them and you will see, how they work.
Qual e a sua cor preferida? Qual e a cor que voce mais usa no dia a dia? O seu signo tem influencia em qual cor?Qual e a cor da pedra do seu aniversario? Qual e a cor da pedra que voce deve usar quando esta com uma dor de cabeca e quer que esta dor va embora? Qual e a cor de pedra que voce deve usar quando vai tentar conseguir um emprego? etc, etc, etc...
Devemos cuidar sempre de nos... mesmo com a vida agitada, com o stress do dia a velocidade do dia a dia, com a nossa impaciencia... nao importa... Nos temos obrigacao de cuidar de nos... porque somos seres humanos e mais cedo ou mais tarde falhamos. Falhamos conosco ou com os outros..., mas podemos desacelerar e com consciencia ir mais devagar... As pedras nos ajudam se voce quiser... Tente usa-las e voce vera, como funcionam.


The precious stones or semiprecious stones, as some like to call it, helps a lot in our daily life, so if you start practicing, carrying one or two stones you choose, you will see the difference it makes in your day the day and will be able to enjoy their energies in your inner balance, automatically acting on its exterior.You will not believe how the stones help ...We have numerous stones to exemplify, but today we will talk of only a few ... but the front I'll specify all existing stones, your influences and how they can help us in everyday life. I'm sure you'll love it.

Diamond / Zircon / Crystal (Clear): Transparency, peace, sincerity, purity, truth, innocence, calmness, warmth, honesty, friendship, neutrality in conflict situations.
Crizopázio / Green Tourmaline / Emerald (Green): A color balancing ... A balanca ... It symbolizes hope, perseverance, calmness, vigor and youth and love nature.
Ruby / Red Jasper (Red): Red acts on the blood, the heart, the circulation, sexual desire and the incarnation. Will, activates and stimulates passion, achievement. Mean maximum beauty with elegance. Refinement, taste and leadership.
Citrine / Yellow Topaz (Yellow): A color that attracts the hydrogen and it has to do with the intake, the construction and assimilation (anabolism and stimulates digestion physically and mentally. Awakens feelings, relaxation, optimism. Symbolizes creativity, youth and joy.
Sapphire / Sodalite (Blue): Blue calms the mind and takes us far away ... Security comprehension. Provides emotional health and symbolizes loyalty, trust and tranquility.
Granada / Quartz Orange (Orange): The orange belongs to Jupiter and exerts influence on the second chakra, connected to the spleen and the pancreas. Alert, movement, spontaneity, tolerance and kindness, is a stimulating color.
Pink Tourmaline / Rose Quartz (Pink): Helps to awaken feelings of love. Means romance, sensuality, beauty, sweetness. Respect life on the planet.
Amethyst (Purple): The purple acts on the seventh chakra above the crown. Belongs to Neptune and his Zodiac of Pisces. It means sincerity, dignity, prosperity, respect nature.
Granada (Brown): The brown stabilizes and consolidates. Helps promote emotional stability, constancy means responsibility and maturity.
Zircon / Onyx (Black): Black and symbol of matter, in contrast with the white, and the symbol of that spirit. Allows self-analysis, introspection, can also mean dignity, is associated with mystery. Sobriety and inspiration.

As pedras preciosas ou pedras semi preciosas, como alguns gostam de chamar,  ajudam  muito na nossa vida diaria, por isso, se voce comecar a praticar, carregando consigo uma ou duas pedras que voce escolher, voce vai ver a diferenca que faz no seu dia a dia e vai poder aproveitar as suas energias em seu equilibrio interior, automaticamente agindo no seu exterior.
Voce nao vai acreditar como as pedras ajudam...
Temos inumeras pedras para exemplificar, mas hoje vamos falar somente de algumas..., mas a frente eu vou especificar todas as pedras existentes, suas influencias e como podem nos ajudar no dia a dia.

 Tenho certeza que voces vao adorar o assunto.

 Diamante/ Zircônia/ Cristal ( Transparente): Transparência, paz, sinceridade, pureza, verdade, inocência, calma, cordialidade, franqueza, amizade, neutralidade em situações de conflito.

Crizopázio/ Turmalina Verde/ Esmeralda (Verde): Uma cor de equilibrio... Uma balanca... Simboliza esperança, perseverança, calma, vigor e juventude e amor a natureza.

Rubi / Jaspe Vermelho(Vermelho): O vermelho age sobre o sangue, o coracao, a circulacao, o desejo sexual e sobre a encarnacao. Vontade, ativa e estimula a paixão, a conquista. Significa beleza máxima com elegância. Requinte, bom gosto e espírito de liderança.

Citrino/ Topazio Amarelo (Amarelo): Uma cor que atrai o hidrogenio e tem a ver com a ingestao, a assimilacao e a construcao ( anabolismo e incentiva a digestao fisica e mental. Desperta sentimentos, descontração, otimismo. Simboliza criatividade, juventude e alegria.

Safira/ Sodalita (Azul): O azul acalma a mente e leva-nos para bem longe... Segurança, compreensão. Propicia saúde emocional e simboliza lealdade, confiança e tranquilidade.

Granada / Quartzo Laranja(Laranja): O laranja pertence a jupiter e exerce influencia sobre o segundo chackra, ligado ao baco e ao pancreas. Alerta, movimento, espontaneidade, tolerância e gentileza, é uma cor estimulante.

Turmalina Rosa/ Quartzo Rosa (Rosa): Ajuda a despertar sentimentos de amor. Significa romance, sensualidade, beleza, doçura. Respeito a vida no planeta.

Ametista (Roxa): O purpura age sobre o setimo chackra, acima da coroa. Pertence a Netuno e ao seu Signo de Peixes. Significa sinceridade, dignidade, prosperidade, respeito a natureza.

Granada (Marrom): O marrom estabiliza e consolida. Ajuda a promover a estabilidade emocional, constância, significa responsabilidade e maturidade.

 Onix (Preto): O preto e o simbolo da materia, em contraste com o branco, que e o simbolo do espirito. Permite a auto-análise, a introspecção, pode significar também dignidade, está associado ao mistério. Sobriedade e inspiração.