Kundalini Stones Crystals and Jewelry

Kundalini Stones Crystals and Jewelry

Sunday, March 24, 2013




Every woman likes to feel beautiful and admired ... And this is a quality of the Brazilian woman, the fruit of a mixture of diverse races, because the beauty of Brazilian women is admired, envied and recognized worldwide. What we use, what we wear are our portraits, of who we are, where we’re going and where we want to arrive ... Our colors, our choices in our day to day lives influence our way of being a Brazilian woman, cheerful ..., happy ..., responsible .., dreamy ..., lover ..., artist and much more ... but mainly valorous, of all forms and ways to live.

This is the Brazilian Woman, rich in their way of being ...and any woman can be equal in beauty and style. ( Leticia McEwen – www.kundalinistones.com)
www.kundalinistones.com - Green Jade Necklace - Designer: Wilma Camara

www.kundalinistones.com - Onyx and Orange Calcite Necklace - Designer: Wilma Camara

www.kundalinistones.com - Tiger Eye Necklace - Designer: Wilma Camara

www.kundalinistones.com - Rose Quartz Necklace - Designer: Wilma Camara

www.kundalinistones.com - Lapis Lazuli and River Pearl Necklace - Designer: Wilma Camara

www.kundalinistones.com - Rose Quartz, Crystal Quartz, Coral Necklace - Designer: Wilma Camara

www.kundalinistones.com -Rubi and River Pearl Necklace - Designer: Wilma Camara

www.kundalinistones.com - Turquoise and River Pearl Necklace - Designer: Wilma Camara

www.kundalinistones.com - Sunstone Necklace - Designer: Wilma Camara

www.kundalinistones.com - Cora, Rose Quartz, Blue Quartz, Onyx and Agate Necklace - Designer: Wilma Camara
Toda mulher gosta de se sentir bonita e admirada… E essa eh uma qualidade da mulher brasileira fruto da mistura de diversas raças, pois a beleza da mulher brasileira é admirada, invejada e reconhecida mundialmente. O que usamos, o que vestimos sao o nosso retrato, de quem somos, aonde vamos e aonde queremos chegar… Nossas cores, nossas escolhas , em nosso dia a dia fazem o  jeito de ser da mulher brasileira, alegre…, feliz…, responsavel.., sonhadora…, amante…, artista e muito mais… mas principalmente valorosa, de todas as formas e maneiras de viver.

Essa e a mulher brasileira, rica no seu jeito de ser… e qualquer mulher pode ser igual em beleza e estilo. ( Leticia McEwen – www.kundalinistones.com)


Sunday, March 17, 2013

“Crystals bring light to the spirit, body, mind and life. Such harmony is due to all our chakras being in contact with a crystal possessing a positive resonance. Having crystals around you or in your hands will bring changes into your life and to those who are with you, giving peace, joy, health and prosperity.” (Leticia McEwen - Kundalinistones)/ "Cristais trazem luz ao espírito, corpo, mente e vida. Tal harmonia é devido a todos os nossos chakras estarem em contacto com o cristal possuindo uma ressonância positiva. Tendo cristais em torno de você ou em suas mãos trará mudanças em sua vida e para aqueles que estão com você, dando paz, alegria, saúde e prosperidade "(Leticia McEwen - Kundalinistones)./ www.kundalinistones.com

www.kundalinistones.com - Phantom Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Dendritic Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Dendritic Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Lodolite Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Lodolite Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Lodolite Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com -Gold Rutile and Green Lodolite Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Rutile and Lodolite Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Lodolite Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Rutilated Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Gray Rutile Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Gray Rutile Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Gold Rutile Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Black Tourmaline Rutile Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Red Rutile Quartz Crystal Pendant

www.kundalinistones.com - Pure Quartz Crystal Pendant

Unique and Exotic Homemade Jewelry

Why? Our rings, bracelets and necklaces are made with stones some of which are considered rare. One of these stones Lodolite is found only in Brazil, making this jewelry Unique and Exotic. We also have rare stones with special rutile and dendritic inclusions.

Lodolite is a term used for a variety of quartz with mineral inclusions, from Minas Gerais, Brazil. In (Greek) Lodolite means mud stone or stone from the mud. We’re not too sure this term applies all that well to Lodolite. Lodolite has the appearance of an underwater coral reef. The mineral inclusions are very attractive and differ from stone to stone. The colors of the inclusions can range from green, pink, yellow, brown, white, red and multi colors. These colors and mixes of colors come from three main types of minerals, Chlorite, Iron, and calcite.  Quartz includes a variety of stones and, colorless or crystal quartz is the most common. Brazil is a major supplier of crystal quartz in the world, especially when it comes to varieties with mineral inclusions. Quartz is found abundantly throughout the world, including in the United States. The word "crystal" comes from the Greek word for "ice" and was believed to be eternally frozen. The single quartz crystal is a six-sided prism; however this is not always how it is formed. Sometimes it is found in veins, seams, or pockets containing the massive variety. The colors of the inclusions within the stone can range from green, pink, yellow, brown, white, red and multiple other colours.

Lodolite is a type of Quartz crystal with unique inclusions of many possible colors and types. No stone is ever the same. Often it has the look of gardens, landscapes, or underwater scenes. This is why it is known to offer a view into another world. Gazing into this stone is said to bring about a cosmic shift of consciousness. It harmonizes the higher vibrational energies of the aura, light body or subtle body. Lodolite is a very powerful journeying stone on all levels; cosmic, soul and personal. Shamans use this crystal to induce visionary experiences and healing. “The Shamanic Dream Stone” This is one of those stones that can be beautiful, but the word ''interesting'' is how I would best describe it.

This is one of the most beautiful stones I've ever seen in jewelry. I guarantee that this stone is in my top 10 of the most incredible stones I've ever seen. If you get the right rock, cut and shape, the stone seems a little microcosmic world in time was captured and placed under a magnified glass, because of this, they are known by other names, Garden, Landscape or Scenic Quartz because of the wonderful "natural" pictures that can be found in the stone. These enchanted crystals contain millions of Lodolite formed many years ago in only one location in the world, the Minas Gerais area of Brazil.

Rutile Quartz is Rutile needles inside of Quartz crystal. Rutile can come in a variety of colours and has an extremely high refractive index which is a great example where an inclusion can add value to a stone. The microscopic inclusions of these in quartz, tourmaline, ruby, sapphire and other gemstones can produce amazing light effects. Examples are shown in cat's eye and asterisms (stars). Rutile Quartz is formed at high temperatures and pressure. Although in a stable state, the temperatures cool and pressures ease and the large needle inclusions become trapped inside the crystals. It can be found in Brazil, USA and Africa. Rutilated quartz is quartz stone with rutile enclosures. Rutile is a mineral that is made up mostly of titanium dioxide, or TiO2. As a mineral, rutile is very high on the refractive index and disperses more than almost any other mineral. This means that when rutile appears in other minerals, it almost always appears in long, thin shots of color. Rutilus is, in fact, the Latin word for red. The mineral gained this name because some specimens are a lovely deep red color. Rutile, however, can also appear in brown and gray tones.

Quartz is one of the most common mineral on our planet. In fact, it makes up over 10% of planet Earth’s crust. Furthermore, quartz is quite widespread. It can be found in almost every geographical environment. It is understandable that such an abundant mineral comes in a number of variations. These include rose quartz, smoky quartz, and Rutilated quartz. The quartz family, including Rutilated quartz can be found as far away as Brazil, Madagascar, Australia, Norway, Kazakhstan, and Pakistan. It can also be found in the United States. Many of the mountain ranges in America contain large deposits of quartz.

Crystal Dendrite is a crystal that develops with a typical multi-branching tree-like form. Dendritic crystal growth is illustrated by snowflake formation and frost patterns on a window. Dendritic crystallization forms a natural fractal pattern. Dendritic crystals can form from growth instabilities that occur when the growth rate is limited by the rate of diffusion of solute atoms to the interface. In this case, there must be a concentration gradient from the supersaturated value in the solution to the concentration in equilibrium with the crystal at the surface. Any protuberance that develops is accompanied by steeper concentration gradients at its tip. This increases the diffusion rate to the tip. In opposition to this is the action of the surface tension tending to flatten the protuberance and setting up a flux of solute atoms from the protuberance out to the sides. However, overall, the protuberance becomes amplified. This process occurs again and again until a dendrite is produced. Dendrite Agate is found in Brazil, India, Madagascar, the USA, Mexico and Kazakhstan.

 Dendrites look like fossils, but they are not the remains of living things. Dendrites are made of dark Manganese minerals, usually that form in a branching pattern. Dendrites are found between the layers of stratified rocks, as in this Utah sandstone, and within bodies of Agate. Dendrites or Moss Agate are very popular gemstones. Dendrites can fool you.  They look just like fossilized plant matter.  However, they are mineral formations, not plant fossils — and one of my favorite mineral formations!  The word dendrite comes from the Greek word “Dendron”, meaning “tree”, and also describes the branched projections of a nerve cell.

 A dendrite is a superficial deposit of manganese oxide that has crystallized in a multi-branching tree-like pattern.  This pattern is what fools us into thinking they are plant fossils.  Dendrites form as water rich in manganese and iron flows along tiny cracks between layers of limestone and other rock types.  Dendrites may also consist of iron oxides and other minerals, and can also form in quartz materials like agate and jasper. When it is found in agate and opal, it is called “dendritic agate” and “dendritic opal.

 Metaphysically, stones with dendrites resonate with blood vessels and nerves.  They help heal the nervous system and conditions such as neuralgia. Dendrites can help with skeletal disorders, reverse capillary degeneration and stimulate the circulatory system.  It is the stone of plenitude; it also helps create a peaceful environment and encourage the enjoyment of each moment.

  Dendrites deepen your connection to the earth and can bring stability in times of strife or confusion. We have some beautiful dendrite specimens of dendrites in marl (calcareous mudstone), a sedimentary rock from Solenhofen, Germany that are 160 million years old.  Each piece is different, a mini still life in stone:  framed silhouettes of trees, ferns, seaweeds, and bushes.  These dendrites are a great gift for anyone with a green thumb or who has a strong connection to nature.







Monday, March 11, 2013

Stone Rings/ Aneis de Pedra

Stone Rings/ Aneis de Pedra

This ring is created totally from a singular precious stone, causing the energy to penetrate vigorously and constantly throughout your body. The stone emanates a high degree of intuition and activates all the body's defenses. This ring is a unique treasure of natural stone, created by jewelers in the region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This Stone Ring is totally unique, and no other will be exactly the same.www.kundalinistones.com

Estes aneis foram criados totalmente a partir de uma pedra preciosa singular, fazendo com que a energia da pedra penetre vigorosamente e constantemente em seu corpo. A pedra emana um alto grau de intuição e ativa todas as defesas do corpo. Este anel é um tesouro único de pedra natural, criado por joalheiros na região de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Este anel de pedra é totalmente original, e nenhum outro será exatamente o mesmo. www.kundalinistones.com

www.kundalinistones.com - Faceted Black Agate Stone Ring

www.kundalinistones.com - Faceted  Green Quartz Stone Ring

www.kundalinistones.com - Faceted Amethyst Stone Ring

www.kundalinistones.com - Faceted Sunstone Stone Ring

www.kundalinistones.com - Faceted Green Agate Stone Ring

www.kundalinistones.com - Faceted Tiger Eyes Stone Ring

www.kundalinistones.com - Faceted Crystal Quartz Stone Ring

www.kundalinistones.com - Banded Red Agate Stone Ring

www.kundalinistones.com - Blue Lace Stone Ring

www.kundalinistones.com - Banded Blue Agate Stone Ring

www.kundalinistones.com - Banded Red Agate Stone Ring

www.kundalinistones.com - Smoky Quartz Stone Ring

www.kundalinistones.com - Banded Black Agate with Amethyst Druze Stone Ring

Agate is a stone of strength. It was used by the Ancients on the breastplates of armor to give warriors strength and make them victorious in battle. Energetically, it is considered to give strength physically and in battle. Agate enhances creativity and strengthens the intellect, making it a beneficial stone for both students and artists. It is also known as a “Good Luck” stone. As a stone of harmony, one of the things agate does is balance yin/yang energy. Agate increases energy. However, because it is a grounding stone, it does not increase energy at all times, but rather enables bursts of energy as needed. In this way, agate is a conservation stone, and enhances longevity. Agate is a very protective stone.

Ágata é uma pedra de força. Foi usada pelos antigos sobre as couraças de armadura para dar força e fazê-los guerreiros vitoriosos na batalha. Energicamente, considera-se para dar a força física e no campo de batalha. Ágata aumenta a criatividade e fortalece o intelecto, tornando-se uma pedra benéfica para os estudantes e artistas. É também conhecida como uma "boa sorte" pedra. Como uma pedra de harmonia, uma das coisas que faz é ágata energia equilíbrio yin / yang. Ágata aumenta a energia. No entanto, uma vez que é uma pedra de ligação à terra, não aumentar a energia em todas as vezes, mas permite explosões de energia, conforme necessário. Deste modo,  uma pedra de ágata, conserva e aumenta a longevidade. Ágata é uma pedra muito protetora.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Heart Pendant in Quartz Crystal/Coracoes Pingentes em Quartzo Cristal

Heart Pendant in Quartz Crystal

These wonderful hearts pendants represent love, health and the unwavering and all-encompassing protection of mind body and spirit.

Coracoes Pingentes em Quartzo Cristal

Estes maravilhosos pingentes corações representam amor, saúde e proteção, abrangendo todo o corpo, mente e espírito.

WWW.KUNDALINISTONES.COM - Heart Pendant in Smoky Quartz Crystal - SILVER 950

WWW.KUNDALINISTONES.COM - Heart Pendant in Smoky Quartz Crystal - SILVER 950

WWW.KUNDALINISTONES.COM - Heart Pendant in Black Tourmaline Rutile Quartz Crystal  - SILVER 950

WWW.KUNDALINISTONES.COM - Heart Pendant in Amethyst Gemstone - SILVER 950

WWW.KUNDALINISTONES.COM - Heart Pendant in Amethyst Gemstone - SILVER 950

WWW.KUNDALINISTONES.COM - Heart Pendant in Black Tourmaline Rutile Quartz Crystal  - SILVER 950

WWW.KUNDALINISTONES.COM - Heart Pendant in Gold Rutile Quartz Crystal  - SILVER 950

WWW.KUNDALINISTONES.COM - Heart Pendant in Gold Rutile Quartz Crystal  - SILVER 950

WWW.KUNDALINISTONES.COM - Heart Pendant in Gold Rutile Quartz Crystal  - SILVER 950

WWW.KUNDALINISTONES.COM - Heart Pendant in Gold Rutile Quartz Crystal  - SILVER 950

Heart Pendant in Quartz Crystal

These wonderful hearts pendants represent love, health and the unwavering and all-encompassing protection of mind body and spirit.


Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated quartz, is a type of quartz with needle like rutile (a titanium dioxide mineral), embedded in it. The rutile needles can be reddish, or they may be golden, silvery, or on very rare occasions, greenish. Rutilated quartz is found in Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Norway, Pakistan and the United States.

Rutile is a major ore of titanium, which is a metal used for high tech alloys. It often forms needle-like crystal inclusions inside quartz.  This form of quartz is known as Rutilated Quartz and it looks like small bars of imbedded gold. 

The name quartz comes from the Saxon word “Querklufterz” which meant cross vein ore. The name rutile comes from the Latin word “Rutilus” meaning red.

Legend, Healing Properties, Folklore: brings forth each person's strengths, originality, aids sleep, relate to others.

Alternate Names & Name Spellings: Rutile in Quartz, Angel Hair, “Venus” Hair Stone

Rutile is said to intensify the metaphysical properties of its host crystal and to enhance ones understanding of difficult situations. It is also said to enhance creativity and to relieve depression and loneliness. Rutilated quartz is said to slow down the aging process and is said to be a strong healer.

Rutilated quartz is reputed to be an energizing stone that helps get energy moving on all levels. Intuitive sources say that it assists with mental focus. It is also said to attract love and stabilize relationships. Rutilated quartz is said to be particularly effective for getting things moving energetically, it can help slowed chakras return to normal spin and balance. Clear Quartz with metallic, golden rutile, copper, or blue/gray titanium fibers that powerfully electrically conduct and amplify energy/thoughts/programming for healing. Intensifies deepens altered states. Some make one too spacey or scattered to wear. Emotionally, Rutilated Quartz is said to be very helpful in uncovering the causes of mental issues and hang-ups. It is reputed to diminish fears and to be excellent at assisting with decision-making processes. Also it is said that it can also ease loneliness and relieve guilt thereby bringing happiness. It is used metaphysically to help one get out of a rut with their life as well as for stabilizing emotions and mental processes, clarifying thought patterns and emotional reactions. Rutilated quartz is also said to increase one's self-reliance and ability to find one's own way.

In the psychic and spiritual realms, Rutilated quartz is used for meditation, spiritual communications, and dream work. It is particularly good for seeking higher spiritual experiences and meditation on feminine ideas. Rutilated quartz is also used metaphysically to deflect negative energies and unwanted energetic, psychic, and magical interferences.

Physically, Rutilated quartz is said to be beneficial for food disorders, the immune system, and regeneration of tissue, fatigue, depression, and respiratory illness, stability of all physical systems and general health, and absorption of nutrients from food. It is also said to be helpful for getting energy moving in meridians and areas where the physical energy is sluggish. Rutilated quartz is also a mystical crystal "diagnostic tool" which can help discover the true cause of an ailment.  Rutilated quartz is associated with the solar plexus chakra, and is sometimes considered a link between the root and crown chakras.
Coracoes Pingentes em Quartzo Cristal
Estes maravilhosos pingentes corações representam amor, saúde e proteção, abrangendo todo o corpo, mente e espírito.
Quartzo Rutilado
Rutilado quartzo, é um tipo de quartzo com agulha como rutilo (dióxido de titânio um mineral), incorporado na mesma. As agulhas de rutilo pode ser avermelhada, ou podem ser de ouro, prata, ou em raras ocasiões, esverdeada. Quartzo rutilado é encontrada na Austrália, Brasil, Cazaquistão, Madagascar, Noruega, Paquistão e Estados Unidos.
Rutilo é um minério importante de titânio, que é um metal usado para ligas de alto tech. Muitas vezes faz-agulha como inclusões de cristal de quartzo no interior. Esta forma de quartzo é conhecido como quartzo rutilado e parece que pequenas barras de ouro embutida.
O quartzo nome vem da palavra saxônica "Querklufterz" que traz minério de veia cruz. O rutilo nome vem da palavra latina "Rutilus" vermelho significado.
Lendas: propriedades curativas. Folclore: traz os pontos fortes de cada pessoa; a originalidade; ajuda no sono; ajuda a se relacionar com os outros.
Nomes alternativos e grafias : rutilo em quartzo, cabelo de anjo, pedra cabelo de venus.
Rutilo é dito para intensificar as propriedades metafísicas do seu cristal hospedeiro e para melhorar a compreensão dos entes em situações difíceis. Diz-se também para aumentar a criatividade e para aliviar a depressão e solidão. Quartzo rutilado é dito para retardar o processo de envelhecimento e diz-se ser um agente de cura forte.
Quartzo rutilado tem a fama de ser uma pedra energizante que ajuda a obter energia em movimento em todos os níveis. Fontes intuitivas dizem que assiste com o foco mental. Diz-se também e boa para atrair amor e estabilizar relações. Quartzo rutilado é dito ser particularmente eficaz para que as coisas caminhem energeticamente, ela pode ajudar chakras desacelerados voltar a rotação normal e equilíbrio. Quartzo claro com rutilo, metálico dourado, cobre ou fibras azul / cinza titânio que poderosamente eletricamente conduzem e amplificao a energia , pensamentos e programação para a cura. (Induz Alpha) estimula a imunidade, força, coroa azul, imagens, sonhos. Fibras de ouro pode aumentar a protecção contra radiações e rejuvenescimento da saúde. A energia de cada pedra e qualidades são únicas. Útil com doenças pulmonares.
Emocionalmente, quartzo rutilado é dito ser muito útil para descobrir as causas de problemas mentais. Ele tem a fama de diminuir medos e para ser excelente em ajudar com processos de decisão. Também se diz que ele também pode aliviar a solidão e aliviar a culpa por uma felicidade. Ele é usado para ajudar metafisicamente sair da rotina de sua vida, bem como para estabilizar as emoções e os processos mentais, esclarecendo padrões de pensamento e reações emocionais. Quartzo rutilado é também dito que e util para aumentar a auto-confiança e capacidade de encontrar o seu próprio caminho.
Nos reinos psíquicos e espirituais, quartzo rutilado é usado para meditação, comunicações espirituais, e trabalho de sonho. Quartzo rutilado também é usada metafisicamente para desviar as energias negativas e indesejadas interferências energéticas, psíquico e mágico.
Fisicamente, quartzo Rutilado é dito ser benéfica para os distúrbios alimentares, o sistema imunitário, a regeneração de tecidos, fadiga, depressão, e doenças respiratórias, a estabilidade de todos os sistemas físicos e estado geral de saúde, e de absorção de nutrientes dos alimentos. Diz-se também ser útil para a obtenção de energia movendo-se em meridianos e áreas onde a energia física é lento. Quartzo rutilado é associado com o chakra do plexo solar, e é por vezes considerada uma ligação entre os chakras de raiz e coroa.