Kundalini Stones Crystals and Jewelry

Kundalini Stones Crystals and Jewelry

Tuesday, November 6, 2012





kundalinistones - Stones Birds - Sculpture

     Native and tribal peoples throughout history around the world believe that all living things have lessons to teach us. By observing the characteristics and behaviors of all creatures we can become aware of these lessons. Many people carry or wear carvings of animals or birds (fetishes) as a reminder of the wisdom, experience, understanding and power of that animal or bird. These likenesses honor these teachers, as well as inspire us toward a clearer understanding of our own strengths and remind us of where we may need to concentrate more effort in our own lives.

The following is a list of animals and birds and a very brief explanation of the power associated with them. Much of this information came from “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews.

kundalinistones - Stones Birds - Totem

kundalinistones - Animal Totem - Birds

kundalinistones - Stones Birds - Totem
Totem Symbols or Power Animals

   A Totem Symbol or Power animal is a broadly animistic and shamanic concept that has entered the English language from Anthropology, Ethnography and Sociology. A tutelary spirit guide that helps or protects individuals, lineages and nations. In the shamanic worldview, everything is alive, bearing an inherent virtue, power and wisdom.

  Totem Symbols or Power animal(s) represent a person's connection to all life; their qualities of character, and their power, they most often come to us in dreams, meditations, initiations, and visions. You can have more than one power animal or Totem symbol which at a given time, can change depending on your life-path at that time. These powerful symbols are often attracted by one's emotional needs - viewed as protectors who help overcome fears and empower us.   It is more likely to have a wild untamed animal serve in the capacity of a power animal.   The gift that a particular animal is thought to give an individual varies depending on the culture although there are certain consistencies for certain animals.

     To discover your Totem Symbol or Power Animal on you own, you can ask for a dream and see if anything comes up. You can ask the symbol or power animal to show itself to you and if you start seeing one or another frequently that would be its way of revealing itself to you.   Find a quiet place or just relax at your computer, being in nature, or listening to music, could enhance the experience.

Relax your mind ... your body....

Prepare as you would for meditation. Close your eyes. Still your thoughts and allow your consciousness to bring into view that which you seek at this time – your Totem Symbol or Power Animal.

Write it all down. Record it. Draw it. Analyze it.

kundalinistones - Stones Birds - Totem

kundalinistones - Animal Totem - Stones Birds


Blackbird: understanding of the energies of Mother Nature.

Bluebird: modesty, unassuming, confidence and happiness.

Blue Jay: proper use of power.

Canary: power of song and voice, heightened sensitivity.

Cardinal: renewed vitality through recognizing our importance.

Catbird: language and communication.

Chickadee: cheerful expression of truth.

Chicken: fertility and sacrifice.

Cock: sexuality, watchfulness and resurrection, optimism.

Cowbird: parent and child relationships, resolving old issues.

Crane: longevity and creation through focus, expression of feminine energies.

Crow: magic, creation, spiritual strength.

Cuckoo: heralding new fate, intuitive ability.

Dove: feminine energies of peace, maternity, prophecy and promise of future.

Ducks: emotional comfort and protection.

Eagle: spiritual enlightenment, clarity of vision, transcendence, messengers, healing and creation.

Finch: energy of variety and multiplicity, increased potentials.

Flicker: rapid growth and trust increased healing love, new sensitivity of heart.

Goldfinch: awakening to the nature spirits- fairies, elves and devas.

Goose: call of the quest, travels to legendary places, search new dimensions.

Grackle: overcoming excess, dealing with emotions.

Grosbeak: Healing the family heart.

Hawk: Awakening visionary power, guardianship, awareness, truth.

Heron: Aggressive self-determination, self-reliance.

Hummingbird: Tireless joy, accomplishing the impossible, beauty, agility.

Kestrel: Mental speed, agility, grace, control.

Kingfisher: New warmth, sunshine, prosperity, and love.

Loon: Lucid dreaming and re-awakening of old hopes, wishes and dreams.

Magpie: The proper use of intelligence, familiars, and occult knowledge.

Martin: Good luck and community peace, peaceful living energies.

Meadowlark: Cheerful journey inward, discovery of intuition, innate abilities.

Mockingbird: Finding your Sacred Song (sole purpose) and recognition of your innate abilities.

Nuthatch: Grounding of faith and higher wisdom, teaches true path to realization is learning to manifest the spiritual within the physical.

Oriole: The weaving of new sunshine can open doors to positive relationship with all members of nature realm.

Ostrich: Becoming grounded.

Owl: The mystery of magic, omens, silent wisdom, and vision in the night; symbol of the feminine, the moon and the night.

Parrott: Sunshine and color healing; teaches power of light and colors.

Peacock: Resurrection and wise vision (watchfulness).

Pelican: Renewed buoyancy and unselfishness; teaches how not to be overcome by emotion.

Penguin: Lucid dreaming and astral projection.

Pheasant: Family fertility and sexuality.

Pigeon: Return to the love and security of home; very gentle and loving energy.

Quail: Group nourishment and protection.

Raven: Magic, shape shifting and creation.

Road Runner: Mental speed and agility.

Robin: Spread of New Growth in a variety of areas of life.

Sparrow: Awakening and triumph of common nobility; shows how to survive.

Starling: Group behavior and etiquette; clear communication.

Stork: Birth and unspoken communication.

Swallow: Protection and warmth for the home and proper perspective.

Swans: Awakening the true beauty and power of the self.

Swift: Speed and agility in the great quest; responding to opportunity.

Swisher: Awakening to the Fairy realm.

Turkey: Sharing blessings and harves.t

Vulture: Purification - death and rebirth - new vision.

Waxwing: Gentleness and courtesy.

Woodpecker: The power of rhythm and determination; stimulates new rhythms.

Wren: Resourcefulness and boldness.

A arte sao todos os sistemas de estética, visual, auditiva, tactil, individualmente ou misturada as sensacoes, o qual nos faz ter emocoes e reacoes singulares, porque sao reacoes unicas; ...o que e lindo para mim , para voce pode ser feio..., desta forrma a reacao a uma obra de arte e unica... Entendendo que essas emocoes a qual  chamamos ou identificamos como arte transmite e possue beleza, equilíbrio, harmonia, revolta, informacao que sintetizam uma história, sentimentos em relacao a arte e a  cultura originaria desta arte. A Arte se  apresenta sob varias formas, como a plástica, a música, a escultura, o cinema, o teatro, a dança, a arquitetura, a pintura, os escritos, etc. Nao podemos esquecer que uma obra de arte  precisar emocionar as pessoas, tocar em algum sentimento... se isso nao acontecer sera somente arte. Para o artista o importante e ele conseguir transmitir o que ele quer dizer pela sua arte, no momento que ele consegue fazer isso, ele completou sua missao naquela especifica obra de arte.

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